

Website Creation

Website Creation & Relaunch

The perfect external appearance, no matter if from scratch or after a re-branding! This includes a Website, Store Connections and Mobile View.

  • Concept and design

  • Evaluation of the CMS tool (Wordpress, Webflow etc.)

  • Possible store connection (WooCommerce, Shopify, etc.)

  • Backup System & User Management

Google & Advertising

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Secure the top positions in the organic Google results! This Includes Onpage SEO (website optimization & loading speed), Content creation (content planning and text creation) and Offpage SEO (professional link building strategy and content outreach).

  • Greater Online Visibility

  • More reach

  • Increased sales

  • Long-term top rankings

  • Better image through higher visibility

SEA (Google & Bing Ads)

Play out targeted advertising messages and leave the competition behind! This includes Initial Setup, Monthly Care and Reporting.

  • Greater online visibility

  • More reach

  • Increased sales

  • Return on Invest calculation

Social Ads

Target group oriented ads in social networks! We offer Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads and Youtube Content.

  • Use top branding effects

  • Address new target groups

  • Use viral effects

Native & Display Ads

Increase brand awareness and cover the entire customer journey! Including Banner Ads, Performance Ads and Native Ads (Advertorial).

  • Flexible billing models on various platforms (CPM, CPC, etc.)

  • Hardly any wastage through targeted placement selection

  • Measurable Performance Marketing

  • Increase brand awareness and reach new target groups

  • Advertising on topic-related websites (blogs, news portals, etc.)

ANALYTICS & Consulting

Website Analytics

Get an overview in the data jungle with professional web analysis! Including Traffic and Web Analysis, Google tag Manager and Event Tracking, Google Analytics and Search Console Setup and Report Creation.

  • Know which advertising measures really work

  • Reveal conversion issues

  • More light into the darkness of your advertising measures

  • Clever data analysis

Conversion Rate Optimization

Identify sources of error in the customer journey & increase the conversion rate! Including Implementation of user Analysis, Usability Test, Hypothesis Formation & Concept Development and Implemantation of AB Test to measure success.

  • More revenue from your traffic

  • Better conversion rates

  • Conversion Uplift

  • Increase user-friendliness

Online Marketing Consulting

Whether for the first steps or for specific topics, we are happy to help! Including Workshops for beginners, advanced Students and for Professionals.

  • Learn Lead Generation

  • E-Commerce Tips & Tricks

  • Using e-mail marketing correctly